Department of Blood Transfusion Medicine


The Department of Blood Transfusion Medicine of Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital was established in 1997. It is the first independent blood transfusion department among all levels of medical institutions in Shanghai. In 2005, its Blood Transfusion Research Laboratory earned recognition as a "Clinical Blood Transfusion Research Laboratory" from the Shanghai Municipal Health Commission (formerly the Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau).

Operating across both Xuhui and Lingang campuses, the department has implemented a comprehensive clinical blood transfusion management system and an automated blood entry and exit information management system. Pioneering the development of individualized and precise blood transfusion management software, it ensures clinical rationality and meticulous audit of blood usage, earning the prestigious "Quality Management Award" from the Chinese Blood Transfusion Association. 

The department holds national prominence in clinical blood transfusion serology and molecular biology testing, runs outpatient clinics for blood transfusion-related diseases, and provides consultation for challenging cases. It played a leading role in drafting national standards such as WS/T622-2018 "Internal Medicine Blood Transfusion", WS/T624-2018 "Classification of Blood Transfusion Reactions", and Shanghai Local Standard DB/T1335-2021 "Management Specifications for the Transportation of Blood Transfusion Specimens and Recycling of Waste Blood Bags in Medical Institutions". Additionally, it is a key unit for the second to fourth Shanghai Public Health Key Discipline Construction Project under "Transfusion Medicine". Notably, the department received the inaugural "Bethune-style Good Doctor" nomination award from the Chinese Medical Doctor Association and has maintained a flawless record of adverse events associated with blood transfusions since its inception.


The department offers a comprehensive range of testing and treatment services, including autologous blood transfusion, leukocyte filtration technology, blood irradiation technology, thromboelastography detection, experimental diagnosis of ineffective platelet transfusion causes, thrombocytopenia diagnosis, ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis, refractory autoimmune hemolytic anemia diagnosis, molecular biology identification of difficult red blood cell ABO blood groups, RhD blood group negative identification and molecular biology classification, platelet-specific antigen molecular biology identification, prenatal immunohematology diagnosis, HLA-B27 gene quantitative detection, and blood cell (plasma) removal and replacement technology.