Witnessing History and Enlightening the Future: Successful Hosting of Chenglang Medical Forum and the First Cardiovascular Popular Science Conference
Published:2024-02-07  Source:Department of Cardiology 

Combining Theory and Practice for Knowledge-driven Action

On January 28, 2024, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital hosted the Chenglang Medical Forum and the First Cardiovascular Popular Science Training Course, marking a significant step towards establishing and enhancing the health education system. Against the backdrop of Professor Dong Chenglang's 125th birthday celebration, his enduring philosophy of prioritizing patients' interests resonated deeply, setting the tone for the event. Professor Shen Chengxing, Chairman of the conference and Director of the Department of Cardiology of Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, highlighted the importance of embracing new paradigms in medical education, particularly the integration of medical popular science. This shift is crucial to meeting the growing public demand for health information and promoting healthy lifestyles, especially concerning cardiovascular diseases, aligning with the "Health China" action plan.

Professor Zheng Yuanyi emphasized the paramount importance of medical popular science in safeguarding the health of China's vast population. In his address, popular science is a vehicle for promoting health awareness, providing accurate medical information to the public, and improving overall medical literacy. By engaging in popular science efforts, medical professionals demonstrate care and compassion towards the public, fostering trust and cooperation between doctors and patients. Popular science thus plays a pivotal role in nurturing a harmonious doctor-patient relationship and contributes to building healthier communities.

Reflecting on Professor Dong Chenglang's pioneering contributions to cardiovascular medicine, Professor Shen Chengxing underscored the department's commitment to learning from history and embracing the "Chenglang Spirit". To honor Professor Dong's legacy, the Department of Cardiology launched a WeChat public account, providing weekly updates on cardiovascular health topics and sharing captivating stories from the specialist clinic. This initiative aims to empower the public with essential knowledge and contribute to the objectives of Health China.

Wang Tong shared insights on "Popular Science Enhancing Medical Literacy". He stressed that popular science is the cornerstone of preventive healthcare and serves as the "first line of defense" in promoting public health. To effectively communicate complex medical concepts,, popular science practitioners must possess comprehensive communication skills and strive to make information easily understandable and engaging. Wang Tong concluded by highlighting twelve common misconceptions on health to guide participants in delivering more effective popular science content.

Professor Wang Jiyao delved into the topic of "Evidence-based Medicine: The Golden Standard in Clinical Practice". As a well-known expert who was among the first to coin the Chinese term for "evidence-based medicine", Professor Wang introduced the process of translating this concept into Chinese. She elucidated that evidence-based medicine entails the meticulous application of the latest and most robust scientific research findings in clinical practice. This approach mandates medical practitioners to judiciously employ evidence gleaned from clinical research to inform patient treatment, thereby ensuring optimal care. She expounded upon the philosophical and epistemological underpinnings of evidence-based medicine, underscoring its pivotal role in advancing healthcare and medical progress in China.

Professor Qian Juying delivered a speech titled "Preventing Pan-Vascular Diseases: Advancing Cardiovascular Health through Popular Science", addressing the increasing prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and stressing the significance of preventive measures against pan-vascular diseases. She underscored the pivotal role of cardiologists in promoting heart health through popular science initiatives. As the primary figure in popularizing heart disease awareness in Shanghai and a nationally recognized expert in popular science, she shared successful public engagement activities organized by the Department of Cardiology of Zhongshan Hospital and the Cardiovascular Committee of Shanghai Medical Doctor Association.

Persisting Efforts Yield Achievements

To deepen the understanding of cutting-edge knowledge and obtain practical experience in the prevention, control and management of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, heart failure and arrhythmia, attendees shared insights from their clinical practice.Guo Yijing, Zang Jiabin, Zhang Guangya, Lin Yangyi and Li Yongguang, all from Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, shared Initial Impression of High Blood Pressure, Fat - Unbearable Injury to Blood Vessel, How to Deal with Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery, Joint Efforts against Heart Failure, and The Journey to Combat Arrhythmia respectively; and Zhao Yuhong from Changning Tianshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital made a speech of Atrial Fibrillation:Early Discovery, Diagnosis and Treatment.

These presentations not only raised awareness of these conditions but also provided valuable insights into their prevention and treatment, thereby alleviating the burden on the healthcare system and fostering collaboration among medical institutions.

Striving Forward Together

The conference also showcased popular science initiatives from various communities, with media professionals offering guidance to presenters. Wang Nana from Hongmei Community Health Service Center of Xuhui District shared Who Steals Your Heart Unconsciously - Plastics; Wang Meihua from Changqiao Community Health Service Center of Xuhui District introduced Misunderstandings of High Blood Pressure Medications; Sun Tingting from Dahua Hospital talked about Scientific, Safe and Effective Exercises; Chen Xiangmei from Lingyun Community Health Service Center of Xuhui District shared Concerns on Cardiovascular Health of Menopausal Females; Zhang Yuwen from Tianlin Community Health Service Center of Xuhui District shared Romantic Journey of Stick - Complementary with the Cardiovascular System; and Zhao Ying from Xidu Community Health Service Center of Fengxian District addressed Misunderstandings of Race against Time.

In his closing remarks, Professor Shen Chengxing emphasized the crucial role of community doctors in disseminating accurate health information and dispelling health myths. He highlighted the importance of authentic case studies in bridging the gap between doctors and patients and emphasized the potential of popular science initiatives to enhance public awareness and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Witnessing History and Enlightening the Future. Professor Dong Chenglang's legacy serves as an inspiration for us all. His spirit embodies the ethos of the department and underscores the importance of promoting medical advancement. By embracing the "Chenglang Spirit", cardiologists can drive progress in medical education and popular science initiatives, thereby contributing to the collective health and well-being of our society. The positive interactions and collaborations forged at this conference are instrumental in advancing medical popular science, strengthening the foundation for future development, and empowering more healthcare professionals to engage in impactful initiatives that benefit our nation's health.