Shanghai Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine

Shanghai Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (SIUM) was officially established in July 2009. Originating from the Ultrasound Medicine Research Laboratory of Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital established in 1960, the institute has evolved into an interdisciplinary research platform with the backing of the Med-X Research Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, and other prominent universities and research institutions in Shanghai. Professor Hu Bing serves as the director of the institute, and Professor Zheng Yuanyi as the deputy director.

The institute aims to advance both basic and clinical research in ultrasound medicine, fostering the development and application of innovative technologies for the benefit of patients. Additionally, it seeks to enhance funding acquisition for national projects, while also expanding both domestic and international academic exchanges in ultrasound medicine, further elevating our city's reputation on the national stage in the field of ultrasound medicine. Research directions encompass various areas, including basic ultrasound research, development of new ultrasound technologies, professional training for ultrasound practitioners, and consultation and evaluation for professional projects. Notably, basic ultrasound research focuses on acoustic parameters and sound power measurement, ultrasound contrast agents, and ultrasound image processing. Research in the development of new ultrasound technologies covers medical diagnosis, interventional ultrasound, focused ultrasound, and technology dissemination.

The institute boasts an advanced scientific research and experimental platform, featuring six specialized laboratories: Micro-Nano Machine Design and Synthesis, Acoustic/Optical/Magnetic Control, Neuro (Brain) Science, Basic Ultrasound Research, Ultrasound Performance and Function Re-evaluation, and Ultrasound for Emergency and Critical Care. These facilities and research directions collectively contribute to the institute's mission of advancing ultrasound medicine and improving patient care.

Over 85% of the institute's staff hold postgraduate degrees, with 4 individuals having received special allowances from the State Council, 2 recognized as National Hundred, Thousand, Ten-Thousand Plan members by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, and 1 honored as Distinguished Young Scholar by National Natural Science Foundation. Presently, the institute counts 4 doctoral supervisors and 6 master supervisors among its faculty. Members of the institute lead 16 ongoing national-level projects, including Key Research and Development Programs of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and Key Projects supported by National Natural Science Foundation. In the past three years alone, they have authored 95 scientific research papers, including 60 SCI papers, with the highest impact factor reaching 30.849 points. Additionally, they have applied for 29 patents and been granted 11. Furthermore, the institute boasts a robust advisory committee comprising experts in science, engineering, and clinical medicine.

The institute's main mission is to conduct both basic and clinical research in ultrasound medicine, guided by clinical medicine and aimed at tackling unmet medical challenges. It strives to promote collaboration and synergy among disciplines in medical engineering and science, with a strong emphasis on translational medical research. The institute focuses on nurturing key technology domains and fostering areas of growth, thereby augmenting its ability to secure funding for projects at both municipal and national levels. Additionally, it endeavors to facilitate collaborative talent development across institutions, while also reinforcing the formation of innovative teams.