Shanghai Key Laboratory of Sleep Disordered Breathing

Shanghai Key Laboratory of Sleep and Breathing Disorders, situated within Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, encompasses an expansive area of approximately 1,500 square meters. Supported by collaborative units specializing in multi-omics and sleep mechanism research, the laboratory boasts state-of-the-art equipment valued at over 50 million yuan. Among its array of cutting-edge instruments are ultra-low temperature refrigerators, Leica freezing microtomes, microplate readers, fluorescence real-time quantitative PCR instruments, Western blot detection and analysis systems, Nikon upright microscopes, two-photon microscopes, and patch clamp workstations, along with an assortment of internationally advanced life science research tools.

Structured to integrate "basics-prevention-diagnosis-treatment-transformation", the laboratory serves as a comprehensive research platform for sleep and breathing disorders. It is distinguished as a research and development base that amalgamates fundamental research with technology exploration. Leveraging collaborative partnerships with prestigious institutions such as Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University School of Basic Medical Sciences, and Shanghai Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the laboratory conducts cutting-edge collaborative research and technology development endeavors.

The laboratory has implemented a substantial genetic data sample database dedicated to patients with sleep apnea disease, complemented by a disease-specific big data management platform. Furthermore, it has established a comprehensive clinical and genetic research data collection system to facilitate robust scientific inquiry. Over 100 SOP manuals have been meticulously developed across each phase of research, ensuring the authenticity and reliability of research data and upholding the standards of high-quality scientific investigation.

The laboratory has pioneered mature technologies and methodologies spanning epidemiological investigation, genetic analysis, gene positioning, isolation, cloning, and sequence analysis. Equipped with cutting-edge molecular biology instrumentation, particularly in high-throughput genotyping, the laboratory maintains a position of leadership among similar facilities in China. Supported by a proficient bioinformatics analysis team, the laboratory has made significant contributions to genetic research on polygenic diseases.

Building upon these foundations, the research team has completed a groundbreaking genome-wide association analysis study encompassing over 20,000 cases of sleep-disordered breathing and healthy controls. This endeavor culminated in the establishment of a large-sample obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) population cohort within the Han population. Through this study, 17 genes associated with the occurrence of sleep-disordered breathing were identified, along with their corresponding risk sites implicated in the regulation of quantitative traits. Notably, the study elucidated abnormal vitamin B2 absorption as a significant risk factor for the onset of OSA, findings that have been disseminated in the American Journal of Respiratory Emergency Medicine. Anchored by a solid foundation of work and enriched by extensive experience, the laboratory continues to advance our understanding of sleep respiratory disorders with groundbreaking research contributions.

OSA represents an independent risk factor for hypertension, increasing the susceptibility to conditions such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, and neurocognitive impairment. Key pathophysiological changes in OSA involve chronic intermittent hypoxia and sleep fragmentation. Our laboratory employs a range of biological models, including cellular and murine models, to pioneer innovative research platforms. These platforms encompass the animal/cell intermittent hypoxia research platform and the sleep-deprived animal research platform.

Integrating cutting-edge methodologies such as single-cell transcriptomics sequencing, metabolomics, proteomics, and multi-omics systems biology approaches, including intestinal microbial metagenomics, our research delves into the intricate effects and molecular mechanisms induced by intermittent hypoxia and sleep fragmentation. Through meticulous exploration, we aim to comprehensively elucidate the multi-organ damage mechanism of OSA, shedding light on its impact on endocrine, metabolic, cardiovascular, neurological, and other vital organ systems. This holistic understanding serves as a cornerstone for the development of effective prevention and treatment strategies.

The laboratory has implemented a comprehensive sleep apnea disease cloud platform database and has successfully developed a prototype polysomnography monitor with proprietary intellectual property rights. This achievement marks a significant milestone, as it enables seamless wireless interconnection among wearable devices, processing terminals, and cloud platforms. Furthermore, the laboratory has established an interconnected network spanning family, primary hospitals, and tertiary hospitals, each adhering to hierarchical diagnosis and treatment standards tailored to their respective levels of care.

Utilizing cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology, the laboratory has developed a sophisticated sleep monitoring and interpretation program. This program facilitates efficient disease screening and diagnosis, contributing to the establishment of industry standards in the field.

Since its official establishment in 2019, the laboratory has made remarkable scholarly contributions, with over 160 papers published to date, including 136 SCI papers boasting an impressive impact factor of over 750. Additionally, the laboratory has undertaken numerous national-level scientific research projects, securing funding exceeding 25 million yuan in total. These endeavors have yielded a series of groundbreaking achievements and original results, affirming the laboratory's significant impact in the scientific community.

After years of dedicated effort, the laboratory has cultivated a dynamic research team comprising chief physicians, professors, deputy chief physicians, associate professors, young physicians and visiting professors. Led by the esteemed Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital's Department of ENT & HN Surgery specializing in throat, head, and neck surgery, the team integrates expertise from Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Fudan University Shanghai Medical College and School of Basic Medical Sciences. In collaboration with Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering and College of Information Science and Technology of Donghua University, as well as Institute of Life Information Monitoring Technology and Application of Shenzhen University, the laboratory has forged a pioneering scientific and technological innovation team focused on translational medicine. Situated at the intersection of basic medicine, preventive medicine, environmental medicine, pharmacy, materials science, and clinical medicine, the laboratory is poised to drive impactful advancements in healthcare.

The laboratory benefits from the guidance of 2 academician, 1 member of Hundreds of Thousand Talents Project of the National Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, 1 chief scientist of the National Key Research Program, and 2 recipients of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. Additionally, the team includes a Chang Jiang Scholar, 1 National Natural Science Foundation of Excellent Young Scientists Fund awardee, 2 Shanghai Leading Talents, 1 Shanghai Excellent Academic Leader, 2 participants in the Hundred Talents Program of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission , 1 Shanghai Pujiang Talent, and 1 recipient of the Oriental Talent award.

Laboratory members have actively shared their expertise with national-level social groups on 32 occasions and with Shanghai municipal-level social groups on 26 occasions. The scientific researchers and technical personnel within the laboratory are highly proficient in diverse areas, such as genetic screening, biochemical testing, imaging evaluation, and precise assessment of organ function. They demonstrate excellence in executing various conservative treatment strategies, selecting surgical indications, devising individualized surgical plans, managing perioperative care, and more. Several members have garnered international acclaim for their contributions, thereby enhancing the laboratory's reputation within the global scientific community.