Otorhinolaryngology Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University / Shanghai Oriental Institute of Otorhinolaryngology

Otorhinolaryngology Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Established in 2005, the institute comprises the Department of ENT & HN Surgery of Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, the Department of Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery of Shanghai General Hospital, the Department of Otorhinolaryngology of Ruijin Hospital, the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery of Renji Hospital, and the Department of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery of Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital. Yin Shankai serves as the director. The institute is housed within Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, covering approximately 1,500 square meters. It boasts a well-equipped molecular biology laboratory, clamp electrophysiology platform, auditory physiology laboratory, temporal bone anatomy laboratory, sample biobank, and cell culture room. Presently, the laboratory is outfitted with ultra-low-temperature refrigerators, Leica freezing microtome, microplate readers, fluorescence real-time quantitative PCR instrument, Western blot detection and analysis system, Nikon upright microscopes, two-photon microscopes, confocal microscopes, clamp workstations, multi-conductivity physiological telemetry recorders, and numerous advanced life science research instruments and equipment.

More than 80% of the doctors within the institute possess doctoral degrees, and it is home to a collective of 14 doctoral and master's degree mentors, cultivating a vibrant academic milieu.

The institute has long been committed to researching the pathophysiological mechanisms of conditions such as deafness, tinnitus, otogenic vertigo, snoring, head and neck tumors, nasal allergies, and more. It boasts independent research facilities and state-of-the-art equipment, including electrophysiology laboratories, clamp electrophysiology platforms, molecular biology laboratories, pathophysiology laboratories, hypoxia pathology laboratories, and zebrafish facility. Over the past decade, it has annually hosted the International Forum on Skull Base Surgery and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome, as well as the National Postgraduate Summer School for Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery. Additionally, it has coordinated over 80 national-level continuing medical education projects, contributing to the development of thousands of specialist talents for the country.

Shanghai Oriental Institute of Otorhinolaryngology

Shanghai Oriental Institute of Otorhinolaryngology, established in 2010, is a private non-enterprise entity designated as a 4A Social Organization in 2019. Director Shi Haibo is recognized as a Shanghai Leading Talent and Shanghai Exemplary Academic Leader in the Health System. He is also honored as a member of the Double Hundred Talents Plan by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission, National Outstanding Doctors- Excellent Models, and Shanghai Medical Artisan. Currently, he serves as a standing committee member of the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Branch of Chinese Medical Association, vice-chairman of the Artificial Hearing Branch of China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care, vice-chairman of the Otology Branch of China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care, and chairman-elect of the Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Branch of Shanghai Medical Association. Professor Shi has held roles as chief scientist of National Key R&D Projects under the Ministry of Science and Technology, overseeing two key R&D sub-projects and five significant international cooperation/general projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has authored or co-authored over 100 papers, serving as the first or corresponding author in renowned journals such as Science TM and Neuron. His research achievements have been recognized with one First Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award and two Second Prize of Shanghai Medical Science and Technology Progress Awards.

Since its inception, the institute has consistently prioritized the public interest of both the nation and society. It upholds principles of providing transparent services, welcoming social oversight, adhering to professional ethics, and promoting fair competition. The institute endeavors to advance basic and clinical research in otolaryngology, accelerating the development of novel technologies and clinical applications to ultimately benefit patients.