Tracing Roots, Exploring Special Cases: Elevating Clinical Expertise
Published:2024-03-28  Views:86

Our hospital successfully conducted the inaugural session of the Clinical Case Discussion Series titled "Tracing Roots, Exploring Special Cases" on the afternoon of March 27, 2024. This event, led by the Clinical Medical School and the Department of Medical Affairs, with the Department of Orthopedics as the host, was held both in-person and online through live streaming at our Scientific Research Building.

Professor Li Ping from the Clinical Medical School led the session, with Director Yang Qingcheng from the Department of Orthopedics serving as the moderator. Vice Presidents Di Jianzhong and Hu Cheng delivered opening remarks. Vice President Di shared insights from his experiences as a physician, highlighting the crucial role of case discussions in enhancing clinical competency. He expressed optimism that the event would provide clinicians with a fresh avenue to acquire new knowledge, particularly in refining the diagnostic skills of young doctors in complex and rare diseases, thereby fostering talent development and elevating overall clinical teaching standards in our hospital. Vice President Hu emphasized the significance of case discussions in enhancing the clinical reasoning abilities and professional competency of resident physicians, serving as a cornerstone for enhancing the quality of postgraduate medical education.

The event aims to bolster the clinical diagnostic and treatment skills, academic prowess, and collaborative abilities of resident physicians, adhering to the standards of "deep academic exploration, precise clinical diagnosis and treatment, and broad MDT collaboration." Through in-depth analysis, reflection, and exploration of clinical cases, it seeks to cultivate a new generation of doctors equipped with a comprehensive approach to patient care.

The case presentation commenced with a discussion on "Reflections Triggered by Hip Pain," led by resident physician Qiao Yi from the Surgery Training Base and attending physician Cheng Dongdong from the Department of Orthopedics. Professors from various departments provided detailed analysis and feedback on the case's key aspects and challenges, incorporating discussions on cutting-edge international research developments to offer valuable insights and broaden resident physicians' horizons and knowledge.

In conclusion, Vice Dean Li Ping summarized the clinical case discussions and encouraged increased participation from resident physicians to enhance the quality of residency education and elevate their clinical thinking and specialized diagnostic and treatment capabilities.  

The "Tracing Roots, Exploring Special Cases" clinical case discussion series will continue to focus on typical cases and exploratory processes, with resident physicians taking the lead using a problem-oriented approach. It aims to further ignite the proactive spirit of resident physicians, improve their analytical and problem-solving skills, and play a more dynamic role in advancing high-quality resident physician practical teaching in our hospital.