CHEN Zhong  

  • Chief Physician, Graduate Supervisor, Associate Professor
  • Department: Cardiology
  • Research Area: Internal Medicine (Cardiovascular Diseases)
  • Research Interests: Diagnosis and therapy of cardiovascular disease, biomarkers and risk stratification of acute coronary syndrome(ACS)
  • Contact:
  • Fellowship, Marien Hospital,  Hannover Medical University, 01/2012-01/2013
  • PhD from Nanjing Medical University, 2002
  • Deputy Director, Department of Cardiology, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital.
  1. Yuanyuan Zhang, Tianjie Li, Chenyuan Pan, Imran Ahamed Khan, Zhong Chen*, Yihong Yue, Ming Yang*. Intergenerational toxic effects of parental exposure to bisphenol AF on offspring and epigenetic modulations in zebrafish. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 82:153714. (IF=10.75)
  2. Meng X, Xia G, Zhang L, Xu C and Chen Z. T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain-containing protein 3 is highly expressed in patients with acute decompensated heart failure and predicts mid-term prognosis. Front. Cardiovasc. Med. 2022,9:933532. (IF=5.84)
  3. Zhong Chen*,Cui Yu, Imran Ahamed Khan, Yi Tang, Shuai Liu, Ming Yang*. Toxic effects of different-sized graphene oxide particles on zebrafish embryonic development. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2020, 197:110608 (IF=6.29)
  4. ZhangL,ZhuY,MengX,ZhangY,RenQ,HuangDandChenZ(2023)Smoking,immunity,andcardiovascularprognosis:astudyofplasmaIgEconcentrationinpatients withacutemyocardialinfarction.


  • 01/01/2023-12/31/2025
    Medical Innovation Project of Fujian Provincial Health Commission (2022CXB015), ¥300,000.00, 
    Clinical study on the early diagnosis, risk stratification and prognosis evaluation of acute coronary syndrome based on the utilization of proteomic and surum biomarkers.
    Role: Project leader
  1. [Zhong Chen, Meng Wei, Genshan Ma, Yongjun Zhang, Yisheng Zhang] (2016), “A coronary artery dilation catheter carring tetramethylpyrazine nanoparticles”, ZL 201410150992.6