ZENG Zhen  

  • Chief Physician, Graduate Supervisor
  • Department: Anesthesiology
  • Research Area: Anesthesiology
  • Research Interests: Pulmonary hypertension; Anesthetics induced neurodevelopmental neurotoxic
  • Contact: zaczeng@163.com
  • 2022 - present       Chief physician in Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital  
  • 2011 - 2021        Associate cheif physician in Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital 
  • 2006 - 2010        Anesthesiologist  in Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital  
  • 2003 - 2006        M.D. with Anesthesiology, Fudan University
  • 2000 - 2003        Master's degree in Medicine, The Fourth Military Medical University
  • 1990 - 1995        B.S. in Clinical Medicine, Medical College of Shihezi University
  • Director, Department of Anesthesiology, Shanghai Eighth People's Hospital
  1. Zhen Zeng, Jun Yao, Jianping Zhong,Shuaiwei Fan, Ying Xue, Xiaoxiao Chen, Yujun Luo,Shan Xue.  The Role of the lncRNA‑LRCF in Propofol‑Induced Oligodendrocyte Damage in Neonatal Mouse. Neurochemical Research. 2021,46(4),778-791. On line:7 January; 2021; https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11064-020-03205-w; DOI: 10.1007/s11064-020-03205-w.
  2. Zhen Zeng,Jun Yao,Yinchuan Li,et al. Anti-apoptosis Endothelial Cell-secreted MicroRNA-195-5P promotes Pulmonary Arterial Smooth Muscle cell proliferation and migration in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2018:119:2144-55;DOI: 10.1002/jcb.26376
  3. Zhen Zeng, Ying-Chuan Li, Zhi-Hua Jiao, Jun Yao and Ying Xue . The Cross Talk between cGMP Signal Pathway and PKC in Pulmonary Endothelial Cell Angiogenesis. Int J Mol Sci. 2014 Jun 6;15(6):10185-98. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
  4. Jun Yao, Zhen Zeng(corresponding author), Zhi-Hua Jiao, Ai-Zhong Wang, Jing Wang and Ang Yu. Optimal effective concentration of ropivacaine for postoperative analgesia by single-shot femoral sciatic nerve block in outpatient knee arthroscopy. Journal of International Medical Research 2013 41(2): 395-403.
  5. Zhen Zeng, Yingchuan Li, Zhen Jiang et al.The extracelluar signal-regulated kinase was involved in the effects of sildenafil on pulmonary vascular remodeling .Cardiovascular therapeutic; 2010, 28,23-29. (IF=2.741)
  6. Zhen. Zeng, Zhen. Jiang, Chun Sheng. Wang, et al. Preoperative Evaluation Improves the Outcome in Heart Transplant Recipients With Pulmonary Hypertension --Retrospective Analysis of 106 Cases. Transplantation Proceedings, 2010,42(9)3708-37101.                                                                                                       
  7. 邹英华,姚军,曾真(通讯作者) 超声引导下改良前路坐骨神经阻滞用于全麻骨科手术患者效果。  中华麻醉学杂志 2019.4  第39卷第4期
  1. [Zhen Zeng,Shuaiwei Fan] (2013), PCT/CN211705479 U ZL 2019 2 0879573.4