Postgraduate Education

Our hospital embarked on its postgraduate education journey in 1985 with the enrollment of its first master's candidate, specializing in biomedical engineering-ultrasound diagnosis at Shanghai Second Medical University under the guidance of Professor Zhou Yongchang. A significant milestone was reached in September 1999 when Xu Huifang from the Department of Anesthesiology was accredited as a doctoral supervisor at Shanghai Second Medical University. The year 2000 marked the enrollment of our hospital's first doctoral candidate. Over the past two decades, our postgraduate enrollment has steadily increased, with over 700 master's and doctoral students annually. We have cultivated a robust postgraduate training system by prioritizing postgraduate programs of Shanghai Jiao Tong University while engaging in collaborative programs with other esteemed universities.

We organize and manage postgraduate education programs in strict adherence to guidelines outlined in various educational documents, ensuring continuous improvement in the quality of postgraduate training. To foster a conducive environment for postgraduate studies, the hospital implements various supportive measures. These include allocating administrative and discipline construction funds to support postgraduate education, enhancing postgraduate subsidies, and improving living conditions. Additionally, the hospital extends access to facilities such as the electronic reading room and central laboratory until night. Distinguished academicians, domestic and international experts, and young scholars are regularly invited to deliver academic lectures, enriching the learning experience. Specialized courses, such as statistics and evidence-based medicine, are offered for professional degree master’s students. We maintain rigorous standards for postgraduate topic development and defense, conduct annual clinical skills assessments for professional degree graduate students, and emphasize scientific research integrity education. Furthermore, we encourage postgraduate students to pursue accreditation and awards, and we have established rewards for outstanding performance within the hospital.

Under the mentorship and guidance of dedicated supervisors, our graduate students foster a culture of academic excellence characterized by diligence and healthy competition. Their endeavors have been met with resounding success, yielding 23 outstanding doctoral and master theses alongside numerous prestigious accolades.