Standardized Residency Training and Specialized Physician Training

Standardized residency training and specialized physician training play pivotal roles in enhancing the clinical proficiency of medical professionals and nurturing their independent professional capabilities. As a trailblazer in residential and specialized training, our hospital proudly hosts 21 national residency training bases, 32 Shanghai specialized physician training bases, and 3 national specialized physician training bases. Annually, our programs cater to approximately 450 residents and 180 specialists. Since the inception of standardized training programs for residents and specialists, our hospital has trained 1,445 residents and 289 specialists, achieving outstanding pass rates in graduation examinations.

Aligned with national guidelines for resident and specialized physician training, our hospital has developed an integrated training model focused on job competency. Eight professional bases, including Gynecology and Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Anesthesiology, Neurology, Rehabilitation Medicine, ENT and HN Surgery, Ultrasound in Medicine and Radiology, have pioneered a pilot program for integrated residential and specialized physician training. This model encompasses comprehensive training objectives, including knowledge and skills acquisition, interpersonal communication, professionalism, scientific research, and teaching competencies tailored to different years and ranks. Evaluations employ a multi-faceted approach, involving superior evaluation, peer evaluation, self-evaluation, and nursing staff evaluation, to monitor the progressive development of residents. The training pathway emphasizes a gradual progression from generalist to specialist roles, preparing residents for professional specialization.

Our endeavors in standardized residency training and specialized physician training have been recognized with the Shanghai Outstanding Achievements Award for Standardized Residency Training and Specialized Physician Training. We have nurtured a cohort of exceptional residency program administrators, educators, residents, and specialists. Notably, over 60 residents have been recipients of the Shanghai Outstanding Resident Award. Over the years, we remain dedicated to establishing a nurturing environment for cultivating elite medical professionals.