ZHANG Yonglong  

  • Graduate Supervisor, Associate Professor
  • Department: Laboratory Medicine
  • Research Area: Oncology
  • Research Interests: Targeted Therapy and Precision Medicine
  • Contact: yonglongzhang@126.com or yonglongzhang@sibcb.ac.cn
  • PhD from Fudan University, 2016
  • MPH from Southwest University, 2009
  • Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital
  • Member of The Society of Tumor Microenvironment, Chinese Anti-Cancer Association; STMC
  1. Yu Tong, Fan Wang, Songling Li, Wenyun Guo, Yifei Qian, Linfeng Li, Huifang Zhao, Helen Zhu, Zhang Y.*, Wei-Qiang Gao* and Yanfeng Liu*. Histone methyltransferase KMT5C drives tumor progression and dictates PARP inhibitor therapeutic response. Hepatology, 2023, 2023. doi: 10.1097/HEP.0000000000000559. Online ahead of print
  2. Chen, T, Duan, J., Wang, F., Yuan, Z., Xue, J., Lu,T., Huang,T., Liu, Y*., Zhang, Y*.  Hippocalcin-Like 1 Blunts Liver Lipid Metabolism to Suppress Tumorigenesis Via Directly Targeting RUVBL1-mTOR Signaling. Theranostics, 2022; doi:10.7150/thno.75936;
  3. Chen, T, Duan, J., Wang, F., Yuan, Z., Xue, J., Lu,T., Huang,T., Liu, Y*., Zhang, Y*. (2022). GSMT3 Deficiency Regulates DNA Mismatch Repair to Promote Gastric Tumorigenesis via CAND1/NRF2-KEAP1 Signaling. Cancer Letters, 2022;538:215692.
  4. Wang, Y., Luo. M., Li, L., Wang, F., Liu, L., Xie, Y*., Zhang,Y*., Gao, W*., Liu, Y*. (2022). AMPK induces degradation of the transcriptional repressor PROX1 impairing branched amino acid metabolism and tumorigenesis. Nature Communications. 2022 Nov 24;13(1):7215.
  5. He, L Yuan, L. Yu, W., Sun, Y., Jiang, D., Wang, X., Feng, X., Wang, Z., Xu, J., Yang, R., Zhang, W., Feng, H., Chen, H., Zeng,Y., Hui, L., Wu, Q., Zhang, Y.*,Zhang, L*. (2020). A Regulation Loop between YAP and NR4A1 Balances Cell Proliferation and Apoptosis. Cell Reports, 2020;33:108284.. (*co-corresponding author)
  6. Zhang, Y. #*, Wang H. #, Chen, T. #, Wang, HL., Liang XW., Zhang YC., Duan, JL., ... & Wang, J*. (2020). C24-Ceramide Drives Gallbladder Cancer Progression through Directly Targeting PIP4K2C to Facilitate mTOR Signaling Activation. Hepatology, 2021, 73(2):692-712.7.  
  7. Zhang, Y. #*, Liu, Y. #, Duan, J., Wang, H., Zhang, Y., Qiao, K., & Wang, J. (2019). Cholesterol depletion sensitizes gallbladder cancer to cisplatin by impairing DNA damage response. Cell Cycle, 18(23), 3337-3350. (# co-first author, * co-corresponding author)
  8. Feng, X#, Lu, T.#, Li,J. Yang, R., Hu,L.,Ye, Y, Mao, F., He, L.Xu, J., Wang, Z., Liu, Y. Zhang, Y., Ji, h., Margaret S. Ho, Zhao,Y.,Cheng S.*, Tian, W* and Zhang, L*. (2020) The Tumour Suppressor Interferon Regulatory Factor 2 Binding Protein 2 Regulates Hippo Pathway in Liver Cancer by a Feedback Loop in Mice. Hepatology, 0:1-
  9. Zhang, Y.#, Liu, Y.#, Duan, J.#, Yan, H., Zhang, J., Zhang, H., ... & Liu, J. (2016). Hippocalcin-like 1 suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma progression by promoting p21(Waf/Cip1) stabilization by activating the ERK1/2-MAPK pathway. Hepatology, 63(3), 880-897. (# co-first author)
  10. Liu Y.#, Zhang Y.#, Wang S.#, Dong Q., Shen Z, Wang W, Tao S, Gu C, Liu J, Xie Y, Qin L. Prospero-related homeobox 1 drives angiogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma through selectively activating IL-8 expression. Hepatology, 2017; 66(6):1894-1909. (# co-first author)
  11. Fan, Q.#, Zhang, Y.#, Liu, Y.#, Yang, J., Li, D., Tang, Y., ... & Lu, Y. (2016). Glutaredoxin Desensitizes Lens to Oxidative Stress by Connecting and Integrating Specific Signaling and Transcriptional Regulation for Antioxidant Response. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 39(5), 1813-1826. (# co-first author).
  12. Liu, D.#, Zhang, Y.#, Wei, Y., Liu, G., Liu, Y., Gao, Q., ... & Zhang, N. (2016). Activation of AKT pathway by Nrf2/PDGFA feedback loop contributes to HCC progression. Oncotarget, 7(40), 65389-65402. (# co-first author).
  13. Shen, H.#, Zhan, M.#, Zhang, Y., Huang, S., Xu, S., Huang, X., ... & Wang, J. (2018). PLZF inhibits proliferation and metastasis of gallbladder cancer by regulating IFIT2. Cell Death and Disease, 9(2).