• Graduate Supervisor, Associate Chief Physician
  • Department: Orthopedics
  • Research Area: Surgery (Orthopedics)
  • Research Interests: The application of nanomedicine in orthopedic diseases
  • Contact: hydraliskrush@126.com
  • Doctoral Degree in Orthopedics from Second Military Medical University, 2014-09 to 2017-07
  • Master's Degree in Medicine from Shanghai Jiao Tong University,  2004-09 to 2007-07
  • Associate Chief Physician, Department of Orthopedics, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital
  • Executive Director, Department of Orthopedics, Jinshan Branch of Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital
  1. Zhang C, Zhang W, et al. Nanoparticles functionalized with stem cell secretome and CXCR4-overexpressing endothelial membrane for targeted osteoporosis therapy. J Nanobiotechnology. 2022 Jan 15;20(1):35. doi: 10.1186/s12951-021-01231-6. 
  2. Wei Z, Guo S, Wang H, Zhao Y, Yan J, Zhang C, Zhong B. Comparative proteomic analysis identifies differentially expressed proteins and reveals potential mechanisms of traumatic heterotopic ossification progression. J Orthop Translat. 2022 May 14;34:42-59. doi: 10.1016/j.jot.2022.04.003.
  3. Zhang C, Su Y, Ding H, Yin J, Zhu Z, Song W. Mesenchymal stem cells-derived and siRNAs-encapsulated exosomes inhibit osteonecrosis of the femoral head. J Cell Mol Med. 2020 Sep;24(17):9605-9612. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.15395. Epub 2020 Aug 4.
  4. Zhong B, Zhang C, Guo S, Zhang C. Rational design of cyclic peptides to disrupt TGF-Β/SMAD7 signaling in heterotopic ossification. J Mol Graph Model. 2017 Mar;72:25-31. doi: 10.1016/j.jmgm.2016.12.004. Epub 2016 Dec 7.
  5. Zhang C, Zhang Y, Zhong B, Luo CF. SMAD7 prevents heterotopic ossification in a rat Achilles tendon injury model via regulation of endothelial-mesenchymal transition. FEBS J. 2016 Apr;283(7):1275-85. doi: 10.1111/febs.13667. Epub 2016 Mar 6.                              
  • 01/01/2020-12/31/2023
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (General project), ¥550,000, 81974330
    Mechanism study of a novel Tet PLGA bone targeted nano sustained-release system loaded with MSC paracrine factors for promoting osteoporotic fracture healing
    Role: Project leader
  • 10/01/2021-09/30/2024
    Shanghai Pujiang Talent Plan, ¥300,000, 21PJD052
    Related research on the treatment of bone metabolic diseases with engineered stem cell exosomes
    Role: Project leader