YU Dongzhen  

  • Chief Physician, Doctoral Supervisor
  • Department: ENT & HN Surgery
  • Research Area: Otolaryngology
  • Research Interests: Vestibular disorders
  • Contact: 7250012023@shsmu.edu.cn


  • 2001-07 to present  |  Department of ENT and HN Surgery, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital


  • 2004-03 to 2008-06 | Doctor (Department of Otolaryngology), Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
  • 1998-09 to 2001-06 | Master (Otolaryngology), Huazhong University of Science and Technology Tongji Medical College
  • 1993-09 to 1998-06 | Bachelor (Clinical) , Shandong Second Medical University
  • Member, Audiology & Vestibular Medicine Society of Shanghai Medical Association
  1. Jiang, Y., et al., Aucubin protects mouse cochlear hair cells from cisplatin-induced ototoxicity via activation of the PI3K/AKT/STAT3 pathway. Biochem Pharmacol, 2023: p. 115440.
  2. Yao, Q., et al., Essential Role of Sptan1 in Cochlear Hair Cell Morphology and Function Via Focal Adhesion Signaling. Mol Neurobiol, 2022. 59(1): p. 386-404.
  3. Xu, M., et al., Single-Cell RNA-Seq Reveals Heterogeneity of Cell Communications between Schwann Cells and Fibroblasts within Vestibular Schwannoma Microenvironment. Am J Pathol, 2022. 192(9): p. 1230-1249.
  4. Li, Z., et al., Trehalose protects against cisplatin-induced cochlear hair cell damage by activating TFEB-mediated autophagy. Biochem Pharmacol, 2022. 197: p. 114904.
  5. Wang, H., et al., Characteristics of positional nystagmus in patients with horizontal canal canalolithiasis or cupulopathy. J Neurol, 2019. 266(10): p. 2475-2480.
  1. [Jiang Yumeng, Yu Dongzhen, et al (2023), “ The role of aucubin in protecting cochlear hair cells from cisplatin-induced ototoxicity”, PCT/CN115381847 B, ZL 202211142058.0