TENG Yincheng  

  • Chief Physician, Doctoral Supervisor, Professor
  • Department: Gynaecology and Obstetrics
  • Research Area: Gynaecological oncology
  • Research Interests: Pathogenesis and drug resistance mechanisms of gynecological cancers
  • Contact: teng_yc@126.com
  • PhD,MD from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2006
  • MPH from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2001
  • Director, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital
  • Director of Shanghai Critical Care Maternal Center and Director of Reproductive Medicine Center, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital
  1. Zhou Y, Lin J, Li C, Zheng Y, Meng Z, Teng Y, Tao M. A fNIRS investigation of menopausal-related symptoms and brain cortical activity in menopause. J Affect Disord. 2024 May 15;353:101-108. 
  2. Shao H, Jin F, Hu J, Zhu Z, Tian F, Tao M, Teng Y. Urothelial carcinoma associated 1 promotes trophoblast invasion by regulating MMP9. Cell Biosci. 2019 Sep 23;9:78. 
  3. Zheng Z, Li X, Chen G, Chen J, Zhu X, Teng Y. Transcriptome analyses reveal new insights on key determinants of perineural invasion in high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2023 Sep 20;11:1109710.
  4. Yang B, Chen J, Li X, Zhang X, Hu L, Jiang S, Zhang Z, Teng Y. TNPO1-mediated nuclear import of ARID1B promotes tumor growth in ARID1A-deficient gynecologic cancer. Cancer letters. 2021;515:14-27.
  5. Dai M, Yang B, Chen J, Liu F, Zhou Y, Zhou Y, Xu Q, Jiang S, Zhao S, Li X, Zhou X, Yang Q, Li J, Wang Y, Zhang Z, Teng Y. Nuclear-translocation of ACLY induced by obesity-related factors enhances pyrimidine metabolism through regulating histone acetylation in endometrial cancer. Cancer letters. 2021;513:36-49.
  6. Yang B, Chen J, Teng Y. TNPO1-Mediated Nuclear Import of FUBP1 Contributes to Tumor Immune Evasion by Increasing NRP1 Expression in Cervical Cancer. J Immunol Res. 2021;2021:9994004.
  7. Yang B, Chen J, Teng Y. CDK12 Promotes Cervical Cancer Progression through Enhancing Macrophage Infiltration. J Immunol Res. 2021;2021:6645885.
  8. Zhou Y, Liu F, Li C, Zheng Y, Hu J, Zhou Y, Geng L, Jiang S, Teng Y, Tao M. Association of snoring and body composition in (peri-post) menopausal women. BMC Womens Health. 2020;20:175. 
  9. Zhou Y, Liu F, Xu Q, Yang B, Li X, Jiang S, Hu L, Zhang X, Zhu L, Li Q, Zhu X, Shao H, Dai M, Shen Y, Ni B, Wang S, Zhang Z, Teng Y. Inhibiting Importin 4-mediated nuclear import of CEBPD enhances chemosensitivity by repression of PRKDC-driven DNA damage repair in cervical cancer. Oncogene. 2020.
  10. Xu Q, Ge Q, Zhou Y, Yang B, Yang Q, Jiang S, Jiang R, Ai Z, Zhang Z, Teng Y. MELK promotes Endometrial carcinoma progression via activating mTOR signaling pathway. EBioMedicine. 2020;51:102609.
  11. Zhou Y, Li C, Jin F, Shao H, Teng Y, Tao M: Prevalence and predictors of sexual function in midlife partnered Chinese women assessed by two simple indicators: Sexual frequency and sexual desire. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2018.
  12. Xue Z, Zhu X, Teng Y: Long noncoding RNA CASC2 inhibits progression and predicts favorable prognosis in epithelial ovarian cancer. Molecular medicine reports 2018, 18:5173-81.
  13. Xu Q, Yang Q, Zhou Y, Yang B, Jiang R, Ai Z, Teng Y: A long noncoding RNAs signature to improve survival prediction in endometrioid endometrial cancer. Journal of cellular biochemistry 2018.
  14. Shao H, Ma L, Jin F, Zhou Y, Tao M, Teng Y: Immune inhibitory receptor LILRB2 is critical for the endometrial cancer progression. Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2018, 506:243-50.
  15. Liu F, Dai M, Xu Q, Zhu X, Zhou Y, Jiang S, Wang Y, Ai Z, Ma L, Zhang Y, Hu L, Yang Q, Li J, Zhao S, Zhang Z, Teng Y: SRSF10-mediated IL1RAP alternative splicing regulates cervical cancer oncogenesis via mIL1RAP-NF-kappaB-CD47 axis. Oncogene 2018, 37:2394-409.
  16. Zhu X, Xue Z, Xu Y, Wang J, Ai Z, Teng Y: Ratios of biochemical markers in peritoneal fluid to those in venous blood for the diagnosis of ruptured tubal pregnancy: A prospective study. European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology 2017, 210:370-5.
  17. Wang N, Shao H, Chen Y, Xia F, Chi C, Li Q, Han B, Teng Y, Lu Y: Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Its Association with Cardiometabolic Risk Factors, and 10-Year Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in Postmenopausal Women. Journal of the American Heart Association 2017, 6.
  18. Dai M, Zhu X, Liu F, Xu Q, Ge Q, Jiang S, Yang X, Li J, Wang Y, Wu Q, Ai Z, Teng Y, Zhang ZG: Cholesterol Synthetase DHCR24 Induced by Insulin Aggravates Cancer Invasion and Progesterone Resistance in Endometrial Carcinoma. Sci Rep 2017, 7:41404.
  • 01/01/2024-12/31/2027
    National Natural Science Foundation of China, ¥490,000, 82372675
    SERINC2 promotes the occurrence and development of cervical cancer via remolding serine metabolism to drive T cells exhaustion.
    Role: Project leader
  • 01/01/2022-12/31/2025
    National Natural Science Foundation of China, ¥547,000, 82172934
    RIPK4 promotes the development and drug resistance of ovarian cancer through modulating ribosome biogenesis
    Role: Project leader
  • 01/01/2020-12/31/2023
    National Natural Science Foundation of China, ¥550,000, 81974406
    The non-classical nuclear import carrier Transportin 1 promotes cervical cancer development through its enhance on ARID1B nuclear transport
    Role: Project leader
  • 01/01/2017-12/31/2020
    National Natural Science Foundation of China, ¥620,000, 81672565 
    The molecular mechanism of growth regulation by SRSF10-mediated alternative splicing in HPV16/18 positive cervical cancer cells
    Role: Project leader
  • 01/01/2014-12/31/2017
    National Natural Science Foundation of China, ¥700,000, 81372794
    The role and molecular mechanism of IRX2 in regulating the expression of estrogen receptor in endometrial cancer
    Role: Project leader