TAN Shijin  

  • Chief Physician, Graduate Supervisor
  • Department: Geriatrics
  • Research Area: Geriatrics
  • Research Interests: Clinical study of cardiovascular diseases in the elderly
  • Contact: tanshijinsh@163.com
  • Working in the Department of Geriatrics, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, 2000-pensent
  • Working in the Department of Cardiology, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, 1994-2000
  • MPH from Sun Yat-sen Medical University, 1994
  • Deputy Director, Department of Geriatrics, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital
  1. Tan S,Yi D,Zhu W,Sun R,Wei M.Testosterone to estrogen conversion is not responsible for vasodilating effects of testosterone ex vivo.Cell Mol Biol(Noisy-le grand).2018 Jan 31:64(1):111-117.
  2. Yuan M, Wang B, Tan S. Mecobalamin and early functional outcomes of ischemic stroke patients with H-type hypertension. Rev Assoc Med Bras (1992). 2018 May;64(5):428-432.                      
  3. Bei-Yun Wang, Shi-Jin Tan. Platelet Glycoprotein IIIa Gene Ploymorphism (Leu33Pro) and Aspirin Resistance in a Very Elderly Chinese Population. Gent Test Mol Biomarkers. 2014 Jun;18(6):389-93.  
  4. Jianping Hu, Shijin Tan, Yuan Zhong. Effects of testosterone on renal function in sodium-loaded rats. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences,2011,342(1):38-43.