SHI Haibo  

  • Chief Physician, Doctoral Supervisor, Professor
  • Department: ENT & HN Surgery
  • Research Area: Otolaryngology
  • Research Interests: Ear microsurgery, auditory, neuronscience, bilirubin related neurotoxicity
  • Contact:
  • Visiting Scholar, House Ear Clinic, 2010
  • PhD from Kyushu University, 2006
  • MM from Nanjing Medical University, 2003
  • Bachelor's Degree of Medicine from Nanjing Medical University, 1995
  • Director, Department of ENT and HN Surgery, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital
  • Member of the Standing Committee of the Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery Branch of Chinese Medical Association, Deputy Leader of the Audiology Group
  • Member of Otorhinolaryngologist Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association
  • Leader and Secretary of the Audiology Group of the Shanghai Society of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery
  1. Hao-Song Shi; Ke Lai; Xin-Lu Yin; Min Liang; Hai-Bo Ye; Hai-Bo Shi; Lu-Yang Wang; Shan Kai Yin ; Ca2+-dependent recruitment of voltage-gated sodium channels underlies bilirubin-induced overexcitation and neurotoxicity, Cell Death & Diease, 2019, 10(10): 774-789  
  2. Ke Lai; Xing-Lei Song; Hao-song Shi; Xin Qi; Chun-Yan Li; Jia Fang; Fan Wang; Oleksandr Maximyuk; Oleg Krishtal; Tian-Le Xu; Xiao-Yan Li; Kun Ni; Wan-Peng Li; Hai-bo Shi; Lu-Yang Wang; Shan-Kai Yin ; Bilirubin enhances the activity of ASIC channels to exacerbate neurotoxicity in neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in mice, Science Translational Medicine, 2020, 12(530): 1-12
  3. Han-Wei Liu; Li-Na Gong; Ke Lai; Xia-Fei Yu; Zhen-Qi Liu; Ming-Xian Li; Xin-Lu Yin; Min Liang; Hao-Song Shi; Lin-Hua Jiang; Wei Yang; Hai-Bo Shi; Lu-Yang Wang; Shan-Kai Yin ; Bilirubin gates the TRPM2 channel as a direct agonist to exacerbate ischemic brain damage, Neuron, 2023, 111(10): 1609-1625 
  4. Kun Ni; Hanwei Liu; Ke Lai; Li Shen; Xiaoyan Li; Jiping Wang; Haibo Shi ; Upregulation of A‐type potassium channels suppresses neuronal excitability in hypoxic neonatal mice, The FEBS Journal, 2023, 290(16): 4092-4106 
  5. Qiang Ma; Jianning Zhang; Weidong Qi; Zhuangzhuang Li; Yumeng Jiang; Miao Zhang; Hao He; Kaiming Su; Haibo Shi ; Store-Operated Ca2+ Channels Contribute to the Generation of Ca2+ Waves in Interdental Cells in the Cochleae, ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2023, 14(10): 1896-1904
  6. Wang P, Yu D, Wang H, Ye H, Qiao R, Chen Z, Wu Y, Li Y, Shi H, Zou J, Yin S. Contrast-Enhanced MRI Combined With the Glycerol Test Reveals the Heterogeneous Dynamics of Endolymphatic Hydrops in Patients With Menière's Disease.J Magn Reson Imaging. 2020;52:1066–1073
  7. Qiuwei Shi, Yazhi Xing, Lichao Wang, Gang Wang, Qinghong Zhang, Yaogang Li, Chengyi Hou,Haibo Shi, Hongzhi Wang. A self-healing, Na+ sensitive and neuron-compatible fiber. Chemical Engineering Journal (2020)386:124018
  8. Fang J, Wu H, Zhang J, Mao S, Shi H, Yu D, Chen Z, Su K, Xing Y, Dong H, Shi H. A reduced form of nicotinamide riboside protects the cochlea against aminoglycoside-induced ototoxicity by SIRT1 activation. Biomed Pharmacother. 2022 Jun;150:113071
  9. Li YN, Lu W, Li J, Li MX, Fang J, Xu T, Yuan TF, Qian D, Shi HB, Yin SK. Electroencephalography Microstate Alterations in Otogenic Vertigo: A Potential Disease Marker. Front Aging Neurosci. 2022 Jun 3;14:914920
  10. Yang Q, Shi H, Quan Y, Chen Q, Li W, Wang L, Wang Y, Ji Z, Yin SK, Shi HB, Xu H, Gao WQ. Stepwise Induction of Inner Ear Hair Cells From Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts via Mesenchymal- to-Epithelial Transition and Formation of Otic Epithelial Cells. Front Cell Dev Biol. 2021 Jun 17;9:672406
  • 01/01/2021-12/31/2025
    National Natural Science Foundation of China ( Key project of international cooperation), ¥2,470,000, 82020108008
    MVN neuronal excitability propels neurogenesis to control vestibular compensation
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • 05/01/2023-04/30/2026
    the National Key Research and Development Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, ¥1,800,000, 2023YFC2410205
    Exploratory study of a drug sustained-release degradable middle ear stent
    Role: Project leader
  1. [Haibo Shi,Shankai Yin] (2018), “A therapeutic apparatus used to treat Meniere's disease”,  PCT/CN2020/0110; ZL 2018 2 2040287.7
  2. [Hongsheng Zhou,Haibo Shi,Shankai Yin,Xiaofang Xu,Xiaomeng Jin] (2018), “A kind of shock tube simulating blast injury experiment”,  PCT/CN2019/0906; ZL 2018 2 11975649.5