QU Guoqiang  

  • Chief Physician, Graduate Supervisor
  • Department: Gastroenterology
  • Research Area: Biology
  • Research Interests: Clinical diagnosis, treatment and intervention of gastrointestinal early cancer and precancerous lesions;Clinical study of functional gastrointestinal diseases
  • Contact: qgqahtl@163.com
  • Chief Physician, Department of Gastroenterology, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, 2021
  • MM from Anhui Medical University, 1999
  1. Fan HN, Zhu P, Lu YM, Guo JH, Zhang J, Qu GQ, Zhu JS. Mild changes in the mucosal microbiome during terminal ileum inflammation,Microb Pathog. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.micpath.2020.104104.                                      
  2. Fan HN, Zhu MY, Peng SQ, Zhu JS, Zhang J, Qu GQ.Dihydroartemisinin inhibits the growth and invasion of gastric cancer cells by regulating cyclin D1-CDK4-Rb signaling,Pathol Res Pract.2020,doi: 10.1016/j.prp. 2019. 152795. Epub 2019 Dec 20.    
  3. Liu YF, Qu GQ, Lu YM, Kong WM, Liu Y, Chen WX, Liao XH.Silencing of MAP4K4 by short hairpin RNA suppresses proliferation, induces G1 cell cycle arrest and induces apoptosis in gastric cancer cells.Mol Med Rep.2016,doi: 10.1016/j.biopha.2015.07.012. Epub 2015 Aug 8.  
  4. Qu GQ, Lu YM, Liu YF, Liu Y, Chen WX, Liao XH, Kong WM.Effect of RTKN on progression and metastasis of colon cancer in vitro.Int J Mol Sci.2015,doi: 10.3390/ijms16011576.
  • 01/01/2015-12/31/2018
    National Natural Science Foundation of China, ¥730,000, 81470833
    Systematic characterizations of regulation of bone marrow-derived inhibitory cells by liver X receptor and its role in autoimmune hepatitis effect
    Role: Third Participant
  • 01/01/2018-12/31/2020
    Seed Fund of Shanghai University of Medicine&Health Sciences , ¥30,000,SFP-18-22-14-006
    Systematic characterizations of related risk factors study of sporadic colorectal adenoma in Shanghai Lingang area
    Role: Project leader