LIU Junli  

  • Professor
  • Department: Endocrinology and Metabolism
  • Research Area: Internal Medicine (Endocrinology and Metabolism)
  • Research Interests: Pathological research on diabetes and its complications, WAT browning, lipid and glucose metabolism
  • Contact:
  • 2000.9 – 2004.7            B. S. in Chemistry,College of Chemistry, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
  • 2004.9 – 2009.7            Ph. D. in Cell Biology,State Key Laboratory of Bioorganic and Natural Products Chemistry, Shanghai Institute of Organic chemistry, CAS, Shanghai, China,Tutor: Dr. Junyin Yuan (Harvard).    
  • 2012.1 – 2012.6             Postdocal Fellow in Diabetes/Drug delivery,Koch Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tutor: Dr. Robert S. Langer
  • 2012.6 – 2016.6             Postdoc Researcher in Diabetes,Boston Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School,Tutor: Dr. Umut Ozcan
  • Deputy Director, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Diabetes
  1. Gang Wei#, Honglin Sun#, Kai Dong#, Libing Hu#, Qi Wang#, Qian Zhuang#, Yan Zhu#, Xianjing Zhang, Yaodi Shao, Huiru Tang, Zhenfei Li, Suzhen Chen, Junxi Lu, Yibing Wang, Xinxin Gan, Tao P. Zhong, Dingkun Gui, Xiaoyong Hu, Linhui Wang*, Junli Liu* “The thermogenic activity of adjacent adipocytes fuels the progression of clear cell renal cell carcinoma and compromises anti-tumor therapeutic efficacy”. Cell Metabolism, 2021, October 5. 33 (10),2021-2039.
  2. Suzhen Chen*#, Xiaoxiao Liu#, Chao Peng, Chang Tan, Honglin Sun, He Liu, Yao Zhang, Ping Wu, Can Cui, Chuchu Liu, Di Yang, Zhiqiang Li, Junxi Lu, Jian Guan, Xisong Ke, Renxiao Wang, Xiaohai Bo, Xiaojun Xu*, Junfeng Han*, Junli Liu*. “The Phytochemical Hyperforin Triggers Thermogenesis in Adipose Tissue via a Dlat-AMPK Signaling Axis to Curb Obesity”. Cell Metabolism, 2021, Mar. 33(3):565-580.
  3. Pan Gao#, Liliang Li#, Liu Yang, Dingkun Gui, Jiarong Zhang, Junfeng Han, Jiajia Wang, Niansong Wang, Junxi Lu, Suzhen Chen, Liping Hou, Honglin Sun, Liping Xie, Jian Zhou, Chao Peng, Yan Lu, Xuemei Peng, Cunchuan Wang, Ji Miao, Umut Ozcan, Yu Huang, Weiping Jia* and Junli Liu*. “Yin Yang 1 protein ameliorates diabetic nephropathy pathology through transcriptional repression of TGFβ1”. Science Translational Medicine, 2019 Sep 18.11(510), DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaw2050; PMID: 31534017. 
  4. Liping Xie, Yanmei Yuan, Simiao Xu, Sijia Lu, Jinyang Gu, Yanping Wang, Yibing Wang, Xianjing Zhang, Suzhen Chen, Jian Li, Junxi Lu, Honglin Sun, Ruixiang Hu, Hailong Piao, Wen Wang, Cunchuan Wang, Jing Wang, Na Li, Morris F. White, Liu Han, Weiping Jia, Ji Miao, Junli Liu. “Downregulation of hepatic Ceruloplasmin ameliorates NAFLD via SCO1-AMPK-LKB1 complex”, Cell Reports, 2022, Oct. 41: 111498.
  5. Honglin Sun#, Gang Wei*#, Junxi Lu, Ji Miao*, Junli Liu*, Suzhen Chen*. “Inhibition of XBP1s ubiquitination enhances its protein stability and improvesglucose homeostasis”, Metabolism. Clin. Exp.,DOI:10.1016/j.metabol.2019.154046; PMID:31837300. 
  6. Zu-Guo Zheng, Xin Zhang, Xiao-Xiao Liu, Xiu-Xiu Jin, Lunzhi Dai, Hui-Min Cheng,  Junli Liu*, Hui-Jun Li*, Ping Li*, Xiaojun Xu*. “Inhibition of HSP90β Improves Lipid Homeostasis Disorder by Promoting Mature SREBPs Ubiquitin-proteasome Degradation”. Theranostics, 2019;9(20); DOI:10.7150/thno.36505.  
  7. Yao Zhang, Yibing Wang*, Junli Liu*, “Friend or foe for obesity: how hepatokines remodel adipose tissues and translational perspective”, Genes & Diseases, 2021, 
  8. Sijia Lu, Yibing Wang, Junli Liu*, “TNF-α signaling in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and targeted therapies”, Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2021, (49): 269-278。
  9. 9, Yanping Wang, Jie Xiong, Yanmei Yuan, Chao Peng, Ping Wu, Yibing Wang, Junxi Lu, Yue Yin, Junting Xu, Suzhen Chen, Junli Liu*, “Suppression of RIP1 activity via S415 dephosphorylation ameliorates obesity-related hepatic insulin resistance”, Obesity, 2022 Mar;30(3):680-693.  doi: 10.1002/oby.23361. Epub 2022 Feb 13.
  10. Chuchu Liu*,1, Yao Zhang*,1, Ning Wang1, Junting Xu1, Xingxing Liang3, Jie Xiong1, Sijia Lu1, Peihui Zhou1, Yanping Wang#, 1,2, Junli Liu#,1, Suzhen Chen#,1“Betaine–homocysteine methyltransferase promotes adipocyte commitment and insulin resistance via p38 MAPK/Smad signaling”,Obesity, 2022, Accepted.
  11. Gang Wei, Honglin Sun, Jun-li Liu, Kai Dong, Junli Liu* and Min Zhang*. “Indirubin, a small molecular deriving from connectivity map (CMAP) screening, ameliorates obesity-induced metabolic dysfunction by enhancing brown adipose thermogenesis and white adipose browning”, 2020,Nutrition & Metabolism, 17:21 DOI:10.1186/s12986-020-00440-4.
  12. Junli Liu#, Jaemin Lee#, Mario Andres Salazar Hernandez, Ralph Mazitschek, and Umut Ozcan. “Treatment of Obesity with Celastrol”. Cell, 2015, 161: 999-1011.(co-first auther)PMID: 26000480
  13. Junli Liu, Dorina Ibi, Koji Taniguchi, Jaemin Lee, Hilde Herrema, Bedia Akosman, Patrick Mucka, Mario Andres Salazar Hernandez, Sang Won Park, Michael Karin & Umut Ozcan. “Inflammation Improves Glucose Homeostasis Through IKKβ-XBP1s Interaction” 2016, Cell, 2016 Nov 3;167(4):1052-1066.e18; DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.10.015; PMID: 27814504
  14. Junli Liu, Hongguang Xia, Minsu Kim, Lihua Xu, Ying Li, Lihong Zhang, Yu Cai, Helin Vakifahmetoglu Norberg, Tao Zhang, Tsuyoshi Furuya, Minzhi Jin, Zhimin Zhu, Huanchen Wang, Jia Yu, Yanxia Li, Yan Hao, Augustine Choi, Hengming Ke, Dawei Ma, and Junying Yuan.“Beclin1 controls the levels of p53 by regulating the deubiquitination activity of USP10 and USP13”. Cell, 2011, 147: 223-234. PMID: 21962518
  15.  Jaemin Lee#, Junli Liu#(co-first author), Xudong Feng, Mario Andrés Salazar Hernández, Patrick Mucka, Dorina Ibi, Jae Won Choi & Umut Ozcan. “Withaferin A is a leptin sensitizer with strong antidiabetic properties in mice”,Nature Medicine,2016 Sep;22(9):1023-32; doi:10.1038/nm.4145; PMID: 27479085
  16. Sijia Lu, Suzhen Chen*, Ji Miao*, Junli Liu*. “Comments on ‘Downregulation of hepatic Ceruloplasmin ameliorates NAFLD via SCO1-AMPK-LKB1 complex’”, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2023 Aug 3;15(4):mjad026.  doi: 10.1093/jmcb/mjad026.
  17.  Yaodi Shao# , Zhi Yao#, Junyi Zhou, Miao Yu, Suzhen Chen, Yanmei Yuan, Liu Han*, Liqin Jiang* and Junli Liu*. “A novel small compound TOIDC suppresses lipogenesis via SREBP1-dependent signaling to curb MAFLD”, Nutrition & Metabolism, 2022 Dec 6;19(1):80.  doi: 10.1186/s12986-022-00713-0.
  18. Quanxin Jiang, Ning Wang, Sijia Lu, Jie Xiong, Yanmei Yuan*, Junli Liu*, Suzhen Chen*. “Targeting hepatic ceruloplasmin mitigates nonalcoholic steatohepatitis by modulating bile acid metabolism”, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology. accepted.
  19. Liping Xie, Kaifeng Guo, Sijia Lu, Ning Wang, Yanping Wang, Haibing Chen, Junli Liu, Weiping Jia *. Diabetic nephropathy in mice is aggravated by the absence of podocyte IRE1 and is correlated with reduced kidney ADH1 expression. Ann Transl Med. 2021 Apr;9(8):636. doi: 10.21037/atm-20-6356. 
  1. A drug composition for the treatment of renal clear cell carcinoma and its application. ZL 2020 1 0437336.X,2022-12-23 (Authorized) 
  2. Pharmaceutical compositions and their use in the preparation of drugs for the treatment of renal cancer, 202310728854.0, 2023-06-25 (Application)
  3. Uses of HMMR ligands, 202310748714X, 2023-06-21 (Application)
  4. Application of polysubstituted indolin-2-thione compounds in the preparation and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and diabetes mellitus, 202210897352.6, 2022-07-28 (Application)
  5. An animal model construction method of systemic EEPD1 knockout and its application, 202110163327.0, 2021-02-05 (Application)
  6. The use of hypericin in the preparation of drugs that promote the Browning of white fat and enhance the activity of brown fat, 201811198262.8, 2018-10-15 (Application)
  7. A recombinant virus and its application in the preparation of drugs for the prevention or treatment of renal fibrosis, 201810735931.4, 2018-07-06 (Application)
  8. Use of eudesin in the preparation of drugs for the prevention or treatment of renal fibrosis, 201810736778.7, 2018-07-06 (Application)
  9. Application of Dlat gene expression enhancer or agonist in the preparation of diabetic nephropathy drugs, 202310867198.2, 2023-07-14 (Application)   
  10. Application of rategabine in the preparation of drugs for the treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, 202410128410.8, 2024-01-30, (Application)