JIA Weitao  

  • Doctoral Supervisor
  • Department: Orthopedics
  • Research Area: Surgery (Orthopedics)
  • Research Interests: Treatment of hip fractures, Bone defect, Bone infection, Deep learning of medical image, and Development and clinical translation of new bioactive materials
  • Contact: wtjia1126@hotmail.com
  • Post-Doc at Brigham and Women’s Hospital Harvard Medical School, USA, 2014-2016
  • PhD from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2010
  • Senior Surgeon, Department of Orthopedics, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital
  1. Lingtian Wang, Changqing Zhang, Jinhui Zhao, Ziyang Zhu, Jiaxing Wang*, Wenpei Fan*, Weitao Jia*. Biomimetic Targeting Nanoadjuvants for Sonodynamic and Chronological Multi-Immunotherapy against Holistic Biofilm-Related Infections. Adv Mater. 2024 Mar;36(11):e2308110.
  2. Jingxin Ding, Jinhui Zhao, Lingtian Wang, Xiaochen Chen, Dajun Jiang, Muyan Qin, Ziyang Zhu, Deping Wang*, Weitao Jia*. Regulated contribution of local and systemic immunity to new bone regeneration modulated by modulating B/Sr concentration of bioactive borosilicate glass. Mater Today Bio. 2023 Feb 15;19:100585.
  3. Xin Qi, Yang Liu, Xiaoling Yin, Renliang Zhao, Wei Zhang, Jiaqing Cao*, Wei Wang*, Weitao Jia*. Surface-based modified 3D-printed BG/GO scaffolds promote bone defect repair through bone immunomodulation. Composites Part B. 2023 May 257;15: 110673.
  4. Dajun Jiang, Shi Zhan, Hu Hai, Lingtian Wang, Jinhui Zhao, Ziyang Zhu, Tao Wang, Weitao Jia*. What makes vertical femoral neck fracture with posterior inferior comminution different? An analysis of biomechanical features and optimal internal fixation strategy. Injury, 2023 May 29;110842.
  5. Wang L, Hu P, Jiang H, Zhao J, Tang J, Jiang D, Wang J*, Shi J*, Jia W*. Mild hyperthermia-mediated osteogenesis and angiogenesis play a critical role in magnetothermal composite-induced bone regeneration. Nano Today, 2022 Apr; 43: 101401
  6. Zhao J#, Wu H#, Wang L, Jiang D, Wang W, Yuan GY, Pei J*, Jia WT*. The beneficial potential of magnesium-based scaffolds to promote chondrogenesis through controlled Mg2+ release in eliminating the destructive effect of activated macrophages on chondrocytes. Biomater Adv. 2022 Mar;134:112719
  7. Wang W#, Xiong Y#, Zhao R#, Li X*, Jia W*. A novel hierarchical biofunctionalized 3d-printed porous ti6al4v scaffold with enhanced osteoporotic osseointegration through osteoimmunomodulation. J Nanobiotechnology, 2022 Feb 5;20(1):68.
  8. Jiang D, Zhan S, Wang L, Shi L L, Ling M, Hu H*, Jia W*. Biomechanical comparison of five cannulated screw fixation strategies for young vertical femoral neck fractures. J Orthop Res, 2021 Aug;39(8):1669-1680
  9. Jiang D, Zhan S, Cai Q, Hu H*, Jia W*. Long-term differences in clinical prognosis between crossed- and parallel-cannulated screw fixation in vertical femoral neck fractures of non-geriatric patients. Injury, 2021 Nov;52(11):3408-3414.
  10. Jia W, Hu H, Li A, Deng H, Hogue C L, Mauro J C, Zhang C*, Fu Q*. Glass-activated regeneration of volumetric muscle loss[J]. Acta Biomaterialia, 2020 Feb;103:306-317. 
  • 11/2022-10/2025
    Sub-project of the National Key Research and Development Program, 1,800,000, Nanocatalytic Medical Materials Responsive to Lesion Microenvironment,
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • 01/2024-12/2027
    National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program), 490,000, Study on the Immunosuppressive Mechanism Mediated by High Lactate Microenvironment of Bacterial Biofilm and Nanocatalytic Lactate Metabolism Treatment Strategy,  
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • 01/2021-12/2024
    Collaborating unit in the National Key Research and Development Program Project, 300,000, Preparation of Fully Degradable Magnesium-based Bimodal Biomimetic Scaffolds and Study on Osteochondral Integrated Repair and Mechanism
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • 01/2023-12/2025
    National Natural Science Foundation of China Committee NSAF Joint Fund Project, ¥500,000, U2230106, Construction of Micro-nano Sensing Systems for Real-time Assessment of the Intrinsic Correlation between Macrophage Membrane Potential and Cell Polarization and its Regulation Mechanism on Bone Repair, 
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • 07/2022/-06/2025
    Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan (22Y11912500), 300,000, 22Y11912500, Development and Clinical Evaluation of an Assessment System for Choosing Femoral Neck Fracture Internal Fixation Strategies Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Role: Project leader
    Role: Principal Investigator
  • 07/2023-06/2026
    Shanghai Municipal Hospital Clinical Optimization Management Project, 400,000, SHDC22021308, Study and Application of Artificial Intelligence Digital Simulation Technology in Morphological/Biomechanical Analysis and Individualized Internal Fixation Scheme Formulation for Young and Middle-aged Femoral Neck Fractures, 
    Role: Principal Investigator
  1. [Changqing Zhang, Weitao Jia] (2019), “Expandable and Self-Degradable Intramedullary Nail for Femur”, ZL201821334732.4
  2. [Weitao Jia, Dajun Jiang,] (2022), “A Femoral Greater Trochanter Protection Plate”, ZL202023234860.1
  3. [Weitao Jia, Dajun Jiang, Hai Hu, Shi Zhan] (2022), “A Mechanical Experimental Fixture for Fracture”, ZL202023234851.2
  4. [Weitao Jia, Dajun Jiang, Sheng Chen] (2023), “A Cross-Shaped Fracture Fixation Device”, ZL202221053950.7
  5. [Weitao Jia](2018) , "A Posterior Ankle Anatomical Plate", ZL201820280714.6

Committee member of the Trauma Society of the Orthopaedic and Traumatology Branch of the International Society for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology (SICOT) China Section;the Upper Limb Trauma Group of the Orthopedic Physicians Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association;the Upper Limb Trauma Group of the Youth Committee of the Orthopedic Physicians Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association;the Bone and Joint Branch of the Chinese Geriatrics Society; the Geriatric Bone and Joint Diseases Branch of the Chinese Society of Geriatric Health Care Medicine Research; the Medical Additive Manufacturing Professional Committee of the China Medical Equipment Association; the Trauma Group of the Orthopedic Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association; the Trauma Group of the Orthopedic Branch of the Shanghai Medical Doctor Association; lecturer of the AO Trauma China Faculty; Correspondent editor of the "Chinese Journal of Traumatology and Orthopedics"

Awarded the title of "Silver Snake Award of the 16th Shanghai Health System". Selected for multiple talent programs including the  "Shanghai Excellent Young Medical Talent Training Support Program" and the "Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Research Physician Team"

Honored with the "First Prize of Chinese Medical Science and Technology Award" and the "First Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award"