HU Hai  

  • Graduate Supervisor, Associate Professor
  • Department: Orthopedics
  • Research Area: Surgery (Orthopedics)
  • Research Interests: Knee and shoulder diseases
  • Contact:
  • PhD from Free University Amsterdam, 2011
  • Master's degree in Clinical Medcine from Xiangya School of Medicine at Central South University, 1995
  • Associated Professor, Division of Sports Medicine, Department of Orthopedics, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital
  1. Zhan S, Jiang D, Hu Q, Wang M, Feng C, Jia W, Hu H*, Niu W*. Single-plane osteotomy model is inaccurate for evaluating the optimal strategy in treating vertical femoral neck fractures: A finite element analysis. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2024 Mar;245:108036.
  2. Xiao Y#, Liang Z#, Shen S, Liu F, Hu H, Chen B*. Increased ACL direct insertion coverage provided more positive biomechanical effects on graft and bone tunnel during knee flexion: a simulation study. J Exp Orthop. 2023 Oct 28;10(1):108.
  3. Jiang D, Zhan S, Hu H, Wang L, Zhao J, Zhu Z, Wang T, Jia W*. What makes vertical femoral neck fracture with posterior inferior comminution different? An analysis of biomechanical features and optimal internal fixation strategy. Injury. 2023 Aug;54(8):110842.
  4. Ling M, Liang Z, Wang Y, Cheng M, Lu S, Pan Y, Hu H, Chen B, Ding J*. Elbow Kinematics and Function Following Treatment with Open Arthrolysis and Hinged External Fixator. Orthop Surg. 2023 Aug;15(8):2102-2109.
  5. Hu Q, Zhang G, Wu D, Zhang H, Hu H, Zhan S, He Y*. Measurement of the Balance Stability Angle to Predict the Stability Ratio in Patients With Recurrent Anterior Shoulder Dislocation: A Novel Computed Tomography-Based Protocol. Orthop J Sports Med. 2022 Dec 12;10(12):23259671221140908.
  6. Xu N, Wang X, Wang L, Song Y, Zheng X, Hu H*. Comprehensive analysis of potential cellular communication networks in advanced osteosarcoma using single-cell RNA sequencing data. Front Genet. 2022 Oct 11;13:1013737.
  7. Bi Y, Meng D, Wan M, Xu N, Xu Y, Yuan K, Liu P, Fang H, Hu H, Lan S*. m6A-Related lncRNAs Predict Overall Survival of Patients and Regulate the Tumor Immune Microenvironment in Osteosarcoma. Comput Intell Neurosci. 2022 Aug 8;2022:9315283.
  8. Jiang H, Yuan H, Hu H*. Irrigation and debridement for knee osteoarthritis patients with suspected infection by intra-articular injection before total knee arthroplasty: a retrospective study. J Orthop Surg Res. 2022 Mar 24;17(1):176.
  9. Zhan S, Jiang D, Ling M, Ding J, Yang K, Duan L, Tsai TY, Feng Y, van Trigt B, Jia W, Zhang C*, Hu H*. Fixation effects of different types of cannulated screws on vertical femoral neck fracture: A finite element analysis and experimental study. Med Eng Phys 2021 Nov;97:32-39.
  10. Xu J#, Zhan S#, Ling M, Jiang D, Hu H, Sheng J*, Ding J*. How can medial support for proximal humeral fractures be achieved when positioning of regular calcar screws in challenging? Slotting and off-axis fixation strategies. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery. 2021 Accepted Online.
  11. Xia Y, Zhang W, Hu H, Yan L, Zhan S, Wang J. Biomechanical study of two alternative methods for the treatment of vertical femoral neck fractures - A finite element analysis.  Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2021 Sep 9;211:106409.
  12. Jiang D#, Zhan S#, Cai Q, Hu H, Jia W*. Enhanced interfragmentary stability and improved clinical prognosis with use of the off-axis screw technique to treat vertical femoral neck fractures in nongeriatric patients. J Orthop Surg Res. 2021 Jul 31;16(1):473.
  13. Jiang D#, Zhan S#, Cai Q, Hu H*, Jia W*. Long-term differences in clinical prognosis between crossed- and parallel-cannulated screw fixation in vertical femoral neck fractures of non-geriatric patients.  Injury. 2021 Jul 10;S0020-1383(21)00619-7.
  14. Wang JP, Wang SH, Wang YQ, Hu H, Yu JW, Zhao X, Liu JL, Chen X, Li Y*. A data process of human knee joint kinematics obtained by motion-capture measurement. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2021 Apr 8;21(1):121.
  15. Xiao Y#, Ling M#, Liang Z, Ding J, Zhan S, Hu H*, Chen B*. Dual fluoroscopic imaging and CT-based finite element modelling to estimate forces and stresses of grafts in anatomical single-bundle ACL reconstruction with different femoral tunnels. Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg. 2021 Mar;16(3):495-504.
  16. Zhan S#, Jiang D#, Xu J, Ling M, Yang K, Li Y, Jia W*, Hu H*, Zhang C*. Influence of the proximal screws of buttress plates on the stability of vertical femoral neck fractures: a finite element analysis. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2020 Dec 12;21(1):842.
  17. Jiang D#, Zhan S#, Wang L, Shi LL, Ling M, Hu H*, Jia W*. Biomechanical comparison of five cannulated screw fixation strategies for young vertical femoral neck fractures. J Orthop Res. 2020 Oct 9. Online ahead of print.
  18. Wang C, Kernkamp WA, Li C, Hu H, Li P, Tsai TY. Elongation and orientation pattern of the medial patellofemoral ligament during lunging. J Orthop Res. 2020 Oct 1. Online ahead of print.
  19. Zhang BB, Hu H, Zhan S, Mei J, Zhu Y, Luo CF. Biomechanical analysis of "Barrel hoop plate" technique for the posterolateral fragments of tibial plateau fractures with different displacement tendency. Injury. 2020 Nov;51(11):2465-2473. 
  20. Xu J#, Zhan S#, Ling M, Jiang D, Hu H*, Sheng J*, Zhang C. Biomechanical analysis of fibular graft techniques for nontraumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head: a finite element analysis. J Orthop Surg Res. 2020 Aug 17;15(1):335.
  21. Veeger TTJ, van Trigt B, Hu H, Bruijn SM, van Dieën JH. Fear of movement is not associated with trunk movement variability during gait in patients with low back pain. Spine J. 2020 Jul 22:S1529-9430(20)30973-6.
  22. Tan T, Chiasson DP, Hu H, Shull PB. Influence of IMU position and orientation placement errors on ground reaction force estimation. J Biomech. 2019 Dec 3; 97:109416.
  23. Jiang D#, Zhan S#, Wang Q, Ling M, Hu H*, Jia W*. Biomechanical Comparison of Locking Plate and Cancellous Screw Techniques in Medial Malleolar Fractures: A Finite Element Analysis. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2019 Nov;58(6):1138-1144.
  24. Kernkamp WA#, Wang C#, Li C, Hu H*, van Arkel ERA, Nelissen RGHH, LaPrade RF, van de Velde SK, Tsai TY*. The Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Is a Dynamic and Anisometric Structure: An In Vivo Study on Length Changes and Isometry. Am J Sports Med. 2019 May 9:363546519840278.
  25. Ling M#, Zhan S#, Jiang D, Hu H*, Zhang C*. Where should Kirschner wires be placed when fixing patella fracture with modified tension-band wiring? A finite element analysis. J Orthop Surg Res. 2019;14(1):14.
  26. Qiu S#, Jia Y, Tang J, Liu X, Hu H, Wu T, Chai Y*. Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) protein antagonist, VH298, promotes functional activities of tendon-derived stem cells and accelerates healing of entheses in rats by inhibiting ubiquitination of hydroxy-HIF-1α. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2018;505(4):1063-1069.
  27. Hu H#, Prins MR, Wu WH, van Dieën JH, Xia C, Mens JMA, Meijer OG*. "Movement of the sacroiliac joint during the active straight leg raise test in patients with long-lasting severe sacroiliac joint pain"-A letter to the editor. Clin Biomech. 2018;52:100-101.(letter)
  28. Feng Y#, Tsai TY, Li JS, Liu XD, Wang SB, Hu H, Zhang C, Li G*. In-vivo elongation patterns of the anteromedial and posterolateral bundles of the ACL at low flexion angles. J Med Biol Eng. 2017; 37:321-7.
  29. Feng Y#, Tsai TY, Li JS, Wang S, Hu H, Zhang C, Rubash HE, Li G*. Motion of the femoral condyles in flexion and extension during a continuous lunge. J Orthop Res. 2015 Apr;33(4):591-7.
  30. Chen SB#, Hu H#, Gao YS, He HY, Jin DX, Zhang CQ*. Prevalence  of clinical anxiety, clinical depression and associated risk factors in chinese young and middle-aged patients with osteonecrosis of the femoral head. PLoS One. 2015, 19;10(3):e0120234.
  31. Dong Y#, Hu H#, Zhang CQ*. Biomechanical study of modular hemipelvic endoprosthesis for Type I-IV defect of pelvic tumor. Chin J Cancer Res. 2014 Aug;26(4):431-6.
  32. Liang BW#, Wu WH, Meijer OG, Lin JH, Lv GR, Lin XC, Prins MR, Hu H, van Dieën JH*, Bruijn SM. Pelvic step: The contribution of horizontal pelvis rotation to step length in young healthy adults walking on a treadmill. Gait Posture. 2014 39(1):105-10.
  33. Wu WH#, Lin XC, Meijer OG, Gao JT, Hu H, Prins MR, Liang BW, Zhang LQ, Van Dieën JH*, Bruijn SM. Effects of experimentally increased trunk stiffness on thorax and pelvis rotations during walking. Hum Mov Sci. 2014, 33:194-202.
  34. Hu H#, Meijer OG, Van Dieën JH, Hodges PW, Bruijn SM, Strijers RL, Nanayakkara PW, van Royen BJ, Wu WH, Xia C. Symmetry and asymmetry of abdominal wall muscle activity during the Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR). Manual Therapy. 2012, 17(6):531-7.
  35. Hu H#, Meijer OG, Van Dieën JH*, Hodges PW, Bruijn SM, Strijers RL, Nanayakkara PW, van Royen BJ, Wu WH, Xia C. Control of the lateral abdominal muscles during walking. Human Movement Science. 2012, 31(4):880-96.
  36. Hu H#, Meijer OG, Van Dieën JH*, Hodges PW, Bruijn SM, Strijers RL, Nanayakkara PW, van Royen BJ, Wu WH, Xia C. Is the psoas a hip flexor in the Active Straight Leg Raise? European Spine Journal. 2011, 20(5):759-65.
  37. Hu H#, Meijer OG, Van Dieën JH*, Hodges PW, Bruijn SM, Strijers RL, Nanayakkara PW, van Royen BJ, Wu WH, Xia C. Muscle activity during the active straight leg raise (ASLR), and the effects of a pelvic belt on the ASLR and on treadmill walking. Journal of Biomechanics. 2010, 43(3):532-9.
  38. Huang Y#, Meijer OG, Lin J, Bruijn SM, Wu W, Lin X, Hu H, Huang C, Shi L, van Dieën JH*. The effects of stride length and stride frequency on trunk coordination in human walking. Gait Posture. 2010, 31:444-9.
  39. Wu WH#, Meijer OG, Bruijn SM, Hu H, van Dieën JH*, Lamoth CJ, van Royen BJ, Beek PJ. Gait in Pregnancy-related Pelvic girdle Pain: amplitudes, timing, and coordination of horizontal trunk rotations. European Spine Journal. 2008, 17(9):1160-9.
  40. Hu H#, Winters HA, Paul RM, Wuisman PI*. Internal thoracic vessels used as pedicle graft for anastomosis with vascularized bone graft to reconstruct C7-T3 spinal defects: a new technique. Spine. 2007, 32(5):601-5.
  41. Meijer OG#*, Van Dieën JH, Hu H, Bruijn S, Ten Cate A, Leijer JP, Wuisman P, Mallant M, Comans E, Nanayakkara P. Contingente adaptatie: De rationale voor oefentherapie [Contingent adaptation: The rationale for exercise therapy]. Beweegreden. 2006, 9:20-29. [Dutch].
  42. Xu Jian#,Yao Yuan#,Zhan Shi,Wei Xiaojuan,Hu Hai*,Sheng Jiageng*. Biomechanical Review of internal fixation of plate for treating proximal humeral fractures. International Journal of Orthopaedics,2021;42(4):217-220. [Chinese]
  43. Wang Jianping, Zhao Heng, Hu Hai, Wu Liangyi, Guo Dong, Li Yu*. Motion capture measurement and analysis of human knee joint based on MATLAB. Journal of Henan Polytechnic University(Natural Science), 2020;39(3):86-93. [Chinese]
  44. Zou Diyang, Hu Xiangjun, Hu Hai, Gong Huawei, Tsai Tsungyuan*. In vivo Kinematic Characteristics of the Elbow during Active Flexion-Extension Motion Using Dual Fluoroscopic Imaging System. Journal of Medical Biomechanics, 2020;35(5): 490-496. [Chinese]
  45. Cao Fangyuan, Xu Junkai, Hu Hai*, Peter B. Shull*. Exploration Study about Influence of Foot Progression Angle on Tibial Shock during Running. Journal of Medical Biomechanics, 2019; 34(2):207-212. [Chinese]
  46. Ling Ming, Zhan Shi; Hu Hai*. Biomechanical Research of Three Dimensional Reconstruction Based Femoroacetabular Impingement. Journal of International Orthopaedics, 2019, 40(1):11-15. [Chinese]
  47. Chen Juan, Ma Yanhong*, Hu Hai, Chen Kang, Yao Yelin. Research on Backward Biomechanics and Motor Control. Chinese Rehabilitation, 2018; 33(2):159-162. [Chinese]
  48. Chen Shengbao, Xu Feng, Feng Yong, Jia Weitao, Hu Hai, Zhang Changqing*. Development on a hip functional score of adults based on patient-reported outcomes. Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics. 2018, 38(21):1314-1321. [Chinese]
  49. Shi Huipeng#, Sun Hui, Hu Hai, Wang Ting, Gao Youshui, Li Xiaolin* Wang Chengtao*. Biomechanical Study of Three Fixation Systems for Complex Unstable Femoral Intertrochanteric Fractures. Journal of Medical Biomechanics, 2018;33(2):126-130. [Chinese]
  50. Hu Hai, Zhang Zhichang, Lian Xiaofeng, Zhang Changqing*. Biomechanical Mechanism of Active Straight Leg Raise. Journal of International Orthopaedics, 2015, 36(6):387-9. [Chinese]
  51. Zhang Ming#, Chen Yunfeng*, Hu Hai, Chen Shengbao, Wang Lei, Rui Biyu, Li Qi, Zhang Wei, Zhang Yunlong. A binary logistic regression analysis of screw penetration after proximal humeral fracture surgery. Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 2015;17(4):282-286. [Chinese]
  52. Hu Hai, Zhang Changqing*. Fast Track for aged hip fracture. Shanghai Medcine, 2014, 1:2-3. [Chinese]
  53. Liu Hua, Chen Shengbao, Hu Hai*. Effect of Bipolar Femoral Head Arthroplasty in patients over 85 years old. Shanghai Medcine, 2014, 1:42-44. [Chinese]
  54. Zhang Li, Hu Hai, Shan Yu, Lian Xiaofeng, Huang Gaozhong*. Internal Medicine Problems and Interventions in Perioperative Period of Hip Fracture in Elderly Patients. Shanghai Medcine, 2014, 1: 8-12. [Chinese]
  55. Chen Xiaofeng, Shi Huipeng, Hu Hai, Zhang Hui, Li Xiaolin*. Treatment of dital femoral fracture in elderly patients with poliomyelitis sequelae. Journal of International Orthopaedics, 2013,34(6):445-448. [Chinese]
  56. Chen Shengbao, Yin Jimin, Hu Hai, He Haiyan, Jin Dongxu, Zhang Changqing*. Cross-sectional study of prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with osteonecrosis of femoral head. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Medical Science), 2013,33(4): 445-449. [Chinese]
  57. Xia C, Zhang B, Zhou JN*, Hu H, Chen GN, Fu RB. Histological Research for Hamstring Tendon Reconstruction and Outcome. Journal of Chinese Orthopaedics. 2006, 11:750-3. [Chinese]
  58. Xia C, Zhou JN*, Hu H, Chen GN, Cheng YS. Clinic Research on the Arthroscopic Semitendinosus-gracilis Tendon Autograft for Reconstruction of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament. Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics. 2003,7:11-14. [Chinese]
  59. Ma J, Hu H, Lin ZZ, Feng QL*. Diagnosis and Treatment for 36 Cases of Intimal Injuries of Important Arteries. Fujian Medicine. 2003,2:19-21. [Chinese]
  60. Hu H, Ma J, Chen GN*. Osteotomy with Wedge Bone Graft for the Treatment of a Post-Traumatic Angular and Short Deformity of the Ankle. Fujian Medicine. 2003,1:40-41. [Chinese]
  61. Cheng YS, Feng QL, Hu H, Ma J, Zhao HY*. Delay Diagnosis and Lesson in Close Injuries of Popliteal Arteries. Chinese Journal of Traumatology. 1998, 6:32. [Chinese]
  1. [ZHANG Shi, HU Hai] (2021), “A experimental clip for femoral biomechanical experiment"/CN202020982557.0