DU Yuzhen  

  • Graduate Supervisor, Chief Technician
  • Department: Laboratory Medicine
  • Research Area: Clinical Diagnostics
  • Research Interests: Mechanisms of bone metastasis
  • Contact: duyuzhen2005@163.com
  • Chief Technician, Department of Clinical Laboratory, 2019
  • PhD from Soochow University, 2005
  • Executive Director, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital (Lingang Campus)
  1. Xiaoyan Teng, Yu Wang, Liuxia You, Lirong Wei, Chao Zhang, and Yuzhen Du*. Screening a DNA Aptamer Specifically Targeting Integrin β3 and Partially Inhibiting Tumor Cell Migration. Analytical chemistry. 2023. https:// doi.org/10.1021/ acs.analchem.3c01995.
  2. Xiaoyan Teng, Liuping Hu, Jiazhen Shen, Jiudong Hu , Xiaoyan Wu, Yuzhen Du*. Plasma SARS-CoV-2 N antigen is a powerful molecular marker for early detection of severe COVID-19 in patients and monitoring disease progression. Clinica Chimica Acta.2023. https://doi.org/ 10.1016/ j.cca.2023.117586
  3. Chao D, Xu X, Miao Y, Yang L, Gao Q, Xu R, Tian Y, Zhao Y, Du Y*, Han D*. Covalent stabilization of DNA nanostructures on cell membranes for efficient surface receptor-mediated labeling and function regulations. Sci China Chem, 2022, 65.
  4. Xiaoyan Teng, Lirong Wei, Liming Han, Daliu Min, Yuzhen Du*. Establishment of serological molecular model for early diagnosis and progress monitoring of bone metastasis in lung cancer. BMC Cancer. 2020; 20(1): 562
  5. Shaofei Cheng, Fengying Qian, Qin Huang, Lirong Wei, Yawen Fu , Yuzhen Du*. HOXA4, down-regulated in lung cancer, inhibits the growth, motility and invasion of lung cancer cells. Cell Death & Disease.  2018.9(5): 465. doi:10.1038/s 41419-018-0497-x