
Since the 1960s, our hospital has been a cornerstone of medical education, shouldering the responsibility of training future medical professionals for key medical schools in China. Guided by the philosophy of "Medical Care is Essential, But Education is Paramount," we are committed to discipline development, talent cultivation, faculty enrichment, resource integration, and teaching innovation, all aimed at nurturing exceptional talents through advanced education.

Our hospital boasts a distinguished team comprising clinical experts, medical educators, and medical scientists, including renowned medical experts and leaders such as Dong Chenglang, Chen Zhongwei, Zhou Yongchang, and others. With a comprehensive disciplinary system, we continually strive to enhance teaching quality, achieving significant progress in institutional education, postgraduate education, standardized residency training, specialized physician training, and continuing education for experienced doctors.

Furthermore, we actively promote international exchanges and cooperation in medical education, establishing collaborative relationships with esteemed institutions such as the University of Pittsburgh in the United States, the University of Melbourne in Australia, and the University of Ottawa in Canada.