DI Jianzhong  

  • Doctoral Supervisor, Professor
  • Department: General Surgery
  • Research Area: Surgery (General Surgery)
  • Research Interests: Obesity and diabetes, Metabolic and bariatric surgery, Minimally invasive surgery
  • Contact: dijianzhong@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Fellowship, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital, Surgery, 2016
  • PhD, MD from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2016
  • MS from Shanghai Tongji University, 2006
  • Chief Surgeon, Department of General Surgery, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital
  • Vice President, Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital
  1. Ting Xu; Chen Wang; Hongwei Zhang; Xiaodong Han; Weijie Liu; Junfeng Han; Haoyong Yu; Jin Chen; Pin Zhang; Jianzhong Di Timing of Maximal Weight Reduction Following Bariatric Surgery: A Study in Chinese Patients, Frontiers in Endocrinology, 2020, 11: 615 
  2. Chen Wang; Hong Zhang; Haijun Liu; Hongwei Zhang; Yuqian Bao; Jianzhong Di; Jianzhong Di; Cheng Hu The genus Sutterella is a potential contributor to glucose metabolism improvement after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery in T2D, Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 2020, 162: 108116 
  3. Chen Wang; Hongwei Zhang; Haoyong Yu; Yuqian Bao; Pin Zhang; Jianzhong Di; Jianzhong Di  Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass for T2D Treatment in Chinese Patients with Low BMI: 5-Year Outcomes, Obesity Surgery, 2020, 30(7): 2588-2597 
  4. Chen Wang; Hongwei Zhang; Ting Xu; Jian Zou; Jin Chen; Pin Zhang; Zhongmin Shi; Jianzhong Di Bone metabolism in Chinese patients after laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, Translational Cancer Research, 2020, 9(4): 2534-2541 
  5. Jianzhong Di; Hongwei Zhang; Haoyong Yu; Pin Zhang; Zhigang Wang; Weiping Jia Effect of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass on the remission of type 2 diabetes: a 3 year study in Chinese patients with a BMI <30 kg/m2, Surg Obes Relat Dis, 2016, 12(7): 1357-1363
  • 01/2024-12/2027
    National Natural Science Foundation of China, ¥480,000, 22dz1204700
    To study the neural mechanism of GLP-1/GLP-1R regulating amygdala and food craving to improve weight regain after bariatric surgery
    Role: Host
  • 01/2023-12/2027
    National Key Research and Development Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, Biotechnology Development Center of China, Key Special project, ¥2,000,000, 2022YFC2407004
    A non-invasive diagnostic approach based on home magnetocardiography for coronary microcirculation abnormalities
    Role: Project leader
  • 09/2022-08/2024
    Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Integrated Physical and Medical Science Special Project, ¥1,400,000, 22dz1204700
    Establishment of a standardized system for the diagnosis and treatment of sports joint injuries
    Role: Project leader
  1. [DI Jianzhong,ZHANG Pin, et al] (2016), “Application of a medical demonstration model”,  ZL 2016203075019
  1. Author of popular science book “ABC of Surgery for Diabetes”